1. Overview

1. Credits button: Click the EG logo to find who the creators are and your current version.
2. Dry/Wet: This works just as you know.
3. Linked parameters manager: In this window you will see all linked parameters displayed on a table for easy editing and quickly create new links.
4. Randomize custom parameters: Press this to quickly assign a random value between the min and max available values on each custom parameter.
5. Presets menu: Open, save and manage presets and see the current preset name.
6. Settings: In this menu you'll find options to scan, customize or deactivate the plugin, as well as some other information.
7. Input meter: RMS meter that indicates the input signal pre-fader.
8. Output meter: RMS meter that indicates the output signal post-fader and after dry/wet mix.
9. Input gain control: Fader for input signal before dry/wet split.
10. Output gain control: Fader for output signal post-fader and after dry/wet mix.
11. Cutoff frequency crossover labels: Displays the current cutoff frequency selected on the slider, click for manual input.
12. Threshold crossover labels: Displays the current threshold level selected on the slider, click for manual input.
13. Threshold controls: Use this slider to adjust or automate the threshold level of the bands.
14. Cutoff frequency controls: Use this slider to adjust or automate the cutoff frequency of the bands.
*9 total, one for each band.
15. Band gain control: Adjust the level of the band from -24 to +24 dB.
16. Band gain label: Displays the current gain set by the slider, click for manual input.
17. Plugin slots: 27 plugin slots total, 3 on each band. Insert your plugins to start designing each band independently. Click to insert plugin or right click to access a set of options detailed below.
18. Bypass band: Bypass the band processing and let the audio through, inserts processing is still applied and can also be routed out to a bus.
19. Band output/bus: Assign the band to one of the 9 buses.
20-21. Mute/Solo: Use this to better listen to your mix, there are automatable and can get cleared with the buttons in the footer.
22. Dynamics transition modes: 2 preset modes and a custom so you can adjust the dynamics transition between bands.
23. Custom mode settings: Adjust attack, release and ratio when using the custom mode.
24. Clear buttons: Use this to clear any active Mute, Solo and Bypass.
2. Getting started
The incoming signal is split into 3 frequency bands then into 3 amplitude bands to end with 9 different bands that represent a specific part of the sound spectrum. To better understand, see image below:
Quiet Highs
Each band has its own:
- Gain control. Double click to reset.
- Mute / Solo buttons.
- 3 plugin slots.
- Bypass band.
- Bus out.
- Meters that will display if there's signal currently passing through that band.
*Multi-out is subject to DAW compatibility. Known not supported: Logic Pro X

Each band has 2 meters, one in the background and one in the band name.
They display the signal in a Post-fader mode (after plugins) and they will react to any active Mute, Solo or Bypass.
Use the settings menu to disable them. See more.
*Note: These meters do not have any audio scale accuracy, their purpose is only to give feedback of signal passing through.

Use the two value sliders to adjust the cutoff frequency or threshold level of the bands. Double click to reset.

3. Header
Click the logo for more info about the plugin.
Clicking the link icon will open a window where you can quickly add and edit current custom parameters or just to view on an easy to understand table. More
The dry wet slider will switch between the signal unprocessed post-input fader, and the mix between the unprocessed and processed signal post-output fader.
The dice icon randomizes all custom parameters to any value from 0% to 100% relative to its parameter.
Displays the current preset open and a * when the preset has been modified. Use the menu to save and load presets.
Find plugin settings for scanning, customizing the look, and others. More
The dynamics transition can be adjusted to respond to different types of transients. Use the two presets, fast or slow, to select between a response for very transient heavy sounds like a drum loop or slow for a sustained, melodic sound.
Use the custom mode to adjust the attack, release and ratio of the transition. Faster attack will respond better to a big transient. Low ratio will result in an almost duplicated signal.
M S B - Clear
These buttons will clear any active Mute, solo or Bypass to quickly listen to your whole mix.

4. Plugins
Before inserting any plugin you will need to scan them through the settings menu.
Use Quick Scan to select a format you want to scan, this will open on the background an app called "EffectGridPluginScanner" that will scan on the common search paths.

AU: Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components
VST3: Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3
VST: Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST
VST3: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3
VST: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST
For specific search paths you can use the Plug-in Manager as well to see the list of scanned or crashed plugins, delete or rescan for new plugins.
Click on any insert slot ( + ) to select a plugin from the list of scanned plugins.
*Now there is a dedicated button to assign to one of 9 buses for multi-out. See more.

Effect Grid has a handy feature for copying, swapping and moving your plugins between slots.
- Move. Simply click and drag the plugin to the slot where you want to place it. Hold ctrl to replace if there is an active plugin.
- Swap. When you drag and drop over an existent plugin, this will swap them.
- Duplicate. Drag and drop holding alt.

Right click any active plugin to access different options:
1. Replace: Open a new instance of a plugin.
2. Link Parameter: Select a parameter from the list to automate. See more.
3. Bypass: This will bypass the selected plugin. Shortcut: Shift + click on plugin.
4. Copy-paste: This works just as the duplicate option on drag and drop.
5. Remove: Use this to delete the selected plugin.

5. Custom parameters
Access the link parameter window by right click a plugin, select Link Parameter and then one from the list of the available automatable parameters of your plugin. Or use the custom parameters manager to create and edit existen ones.

This window has 2 options:
1. Select Parameter: Select from the drop down menu the parameter you want to link to.
2. Inverted: Use this to assign the min value of the plugin parameter to the max side.
A few notes to keep in mind:
- Linking to a new parameter will unlink the existent one.
- You can link multiple plugins parameters to the same Custom.
- The parameters go from 0.000 to 1.000 which means there is 0.999 steps between the min and the max value. This is to have a standard that fits all parameters of all plugins. *An option to map the parameter to a specific range of the Custom will be implemented on future updates.

Here you can quickly edit the links already created by adjusting the parameters directly on the table, or you can create new ones by using the button on the top left corner.

6. Multi-output
To assign a band to a Bus, click the button with the triangle of any band and then select a Bus or the main Output from the list.
- You can assign more than one band to the same Bus.
This is how the slot will look when assigned to a Bus:

7. Settings

Quick Scan
Plug-in Manager
Use undo and redo through the settings menu or using the shortcuts. This will only affect parameters, plugins and parameters inside plugins won't be saved in the memory.
This will display a quick scan option for the available formats in your system. For detailed information about the scan results open the Plug-in Manager.
Open the list of scanned plugins as well as more options for scanning specific paths, remove plugins and troubleshoot crashed plugins.
Close Plug-in Windows
This will close any open plugin window.
Enable or disable either the Background meter or the name meters. This setting is instance specific.

Reset only parameters or the whole plugin to its factory default settings.

Customize the look of your plugin by selecting from up to 6 themes:
- Dark / Light
- Nord Dark / Nord Light
- B&W Dark / B&W Light
Use Widget colour, to open a window that will set a custom colour or use the reset option to set the original colour.
Restore window will set the size to the factory default.

Check For Update

The Check for updates option lets you set this feature to never remind you or to automatically check every time you open a new instance (default).

Thank you!
Use the Help bubbles option to display tool tips when hovering for 1 second over any element in the plugin.
Example. Bubble displaying the things you can do with an insert slot.
The second option will open this guide on the default browser.
We thank all the users who helped us from the beginning to test and we dedicate a page on the website to them, Special thanks will take you there.
Deactivate. Use this to log out of your current system. This will let you log in on a new computer regardless of its OS. If you plan to format your computer, you must first deactivate your license.
8. FAQ/Troubleshooting
Here you'll find useful answers to frequent issues and known bugs, some internal and others external.
How to uninstall?
Windows: Use the Add or Remove apps option on the Control Panel or use the uninstaller located in: C:\Program Files\EffectGrid
macOS: Remove the files or folders on the following locations:
Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/EffectGrid.aaxplugin
Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/EffectGrid.component
Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/EffectGrid.vst3
Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/EffectGrid
~/Library/Application Support/EffectGrid
I can't see any parameters in Ableton Live
There is a known bug from Ableton Live where plugins with a big list of parameters won't show them. A turn around is to move the parameter you want to automate and this will display it on the track so then you can automate.
If you're using a Custom parameters, first link and then interact with the parameter through the linked plugin.
It asks me to login every new instance
This usually happens when activating a full license after a trial. Please login, go to settings -> Deactivate, and login again.
I can't unlock the plugin
Remember to unlock with the email and password that you used to register into the website. If you think your credentials are correct, please reset your password under your Account Settings or using the Login Window after login out. If the problem persists, please contact us.